Help Center

  • Appimate Videos are a collection of what a person has learned and a presentation of what a person can learn from in the future.
    Appimate requests include all requests for videos and scheduling a future time for practicing sessions.

  • After every request users should stay expecting a few questions about the video they want.
  • Video requests
    - Appimate accepts requests for videos of specific concepts/topic.
    - The user will first request a video specifying their needs in the video.
    - The maximum number of videos that a person should expect is 5 videos per week.

    Practicing sessions
    - Users can schedule a future time to start practicing with an Appimate assistant.
    - These needs to set their time and send a message briefly xplaing what they expect to learn during the sessions.
  • A user can request a video and schedule a practicing session at the same time.
  • A user does not need to schedule time for a practicing session, but it is recommended in order to expect immediate respose when the time comes.
    Asking on Appimate is as simple as sending a message to "Appimate Support".
  • You can ask in two basic ways, namely Video reply and General question.
  • Video reply
    - Video reply is when you ask a question while watching a video.
    - This is usually for when there is something unclear about a certain part of the video.

    General question
    - This is when you initiate a chat with Appimate Support and asking something that you coudn't find in the search results.
    - This is usually for when you thought of a question on your own without being triggered/sparked by a video.
    - In a case where you are triggered/sparked by a video, please ensure to mention the video, this will help in case there was a misconception.
  • Users should expect to recieved a chat back in order for them to clarify their question.
  • If you are not satistfied with above information presented to you, please contact the Appimate team to ask anything you wanted to know about.

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